Knoxville is one of the most desirable cities to live in because of the job opportunities it offers to professionals.
HVAC technicians here can potentially earn an average salary base of $26.29 an hour per Indeed.
So if you want to enter the HVAC industry, you must first learn the trade.
You can do that by enrolling in an accredited HVAC school, which we’ve featured below.
HVAC Techs annual average salary in Tennessee is $47,140 - ABOVE U.S. AVERAGE!
Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Knoxville

About the School
The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology provides competency-based training through superior quality, traditional and distance learning instruction methods that qualify completers for employment and job advancement.
At the Tennessee College of Applied Technology, students and learners have the opportunity to acquire marketable skills for entry into the labor market, or upgrade present skills and knowledge of persons already employed.
TCAT makes it a priority to build relationships of trust with community, business, and industry leaders to supply highly skilled workers in areas of need.
Courses Offered
The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology offers a program on Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration.
You will be prepared to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain residential and commercial refrigeration; air conditioning; heat pumps; humidifiers; and electrical and gas heating.
Furthermore, you will also learn the fundamentals of electricity, electric motors, and controls.
Upon successful completion of the HVAC/R program, you will be able to install and braze refrigeration tubing, diagnose electrical problems; install duct systems; repair light commercial equipment; recover air conditioning and refrigeration refrigerants; locate and repair leaks.
The HVAC/R programs lasts for 16 months or 1,728 clock hours, is available during the day and at night, and costs $5,273 not including the cost of textbooks and supplies.
Address: 1100 Liberty Street Knoxville, TN 37919
Remington College - Knoxville

About the School
Remington College provides its students and learners with relevant, career-focused education designed and intended to help students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful entry into their chosen career fields.
The College is committed in providing a learning environment in which a technically rich, intellectually stimulating, quality education is delivered by a dedicated faculty and staff.
Remington College contributes to the economic and social vibrancy of the diverse communities in which its students, faculty, and staff live through its well-educated workforce.
Courses Offered
Remington College offers a program in Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration.
Students of Remington College’s HVAC/R program will train on industry-standard equipment to get a feel for the actual systems that HVAC technicians work on and what you might find yourself doing in a career.
The HVAC/R curriculum combines classroom education with hands-on training and is designed to help provide you the knowledge and real-world experience that employers may be looking for.
Upon successful completion of the HVAC/R program, you will be awarded an Associate of Occupational Studies degree.
Address: 415 Maynardville Pike Ste. 101 Knoxville, TN 37938
Moore Tech

About the School
Moore Tech provides the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a specific technical vocation as an independent, non-profit, post-secondary college.
Moore Tech offers quality programs of instruction which not only recognize the importance of technical knowledge and the development of skills, but also the need to develop quality work habits and attitudes.
At Moore Tech, students and learners are provided intensive and practical courses designed to enable graduates to become employable upon graduation.
Courses Offered
Moore Tech offers its program in Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration as a day, two-year, Diploma or Associate of Applied Technology Degree or a night, two-year Certificate program.
Students of Moore Tech’s HVAC/R program will learn the knowledge and skills related to the principles of air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating mechanisms, their operation, maintenance, service and repair.
The HVAC/R program is a combination of classroom study with hands-on experience with modern equipment in the heating, refrigeration & air conditioning labs.
Day students of the HVAC/R program are required to take six technical electives.
Address: 1200 Poplar Avenue Memphis, TN 38104